If you are in love with 2 people, pick the second one. If you really love the 1st, you wouldnt have fallen for the 2nd.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A :

她:“ 老公,幫我倒杯水呀!”
他:“ 石頭剪刀布,誰輸了誰去。”
她:“ 算了,我自己去吧!”

B :

他們坐在一起看韓劇。她起身,他問:“ 去幹嘛?”
她:“ 去倒杯水。”
他:“ 你坐這看吧!我去給你倒。”

- 女人要求不高,她對男人唯一的要求就是 “ 疼她 ”。你可以什麽都没有... 只要你疼她,她就有足够的勇氣把自己的下半輩子交給你。

A :

他:“ 老婆,我晚上和朋友出去吃飯。”
她:“ 你不是答應陪我逛街的嗎?”
他:“ 改天吧!”

B :

他:“ 親愛的,别人給我一張奧運會的票。巴西隊啊!一会兒我去看球了啊。”
她:“ 哦!這樣啊?好吧!”
他:“ 怎麽不高興了?”
她:“ 你忘了,上周說好今天我朋友和她男朋友請我們吃飯啊!”
他:“ 唉呀!對不起親愛的,我忘記了。那我把票給别人吧!我陪你去吃飯。”
她:“ 不要了,吃飯可以改天。或者你先去看,我們等你。”
他:“ 那不行,答應你的事情必須得做到。再說你自己跟他們在一起像電燈泡似的,你肯定不舒服啊!”
她:“ 没事……”
没等她說完,他很強勢地告诉她“ 好了,聼我的。你收拾一下,我一會兒去接你。”

- 其實女人不是不懂事。只是她需要碰上一個懂事的男人,其實情侣之間是可以互相的。

A :

他:“ 我晚上出去吃飯。”
她:“ 幾點回家?”
他:“ 九點之前肯定回家。”
九點半... ...
他:“ 十點,肯定回家。”
後來,她不再打電話催他。因爲她知道... 對於不守承諾的男人,一切 “ 肯定 ”都是 “ 未必” 。

B :

他:“ 我晚上出去吃飯,九點之前肯定結束。然後我們去看電影!”
她:“ 你能那麽快就結束嗎?”
他:“ 放心吧!我答應你了就一定能。”
快到九點的时候,他:“ 收拾一下吧!我馬上就到你家了。”

- 信任,是在一件一件小事中建立起來的。

A :

他看了她一眼:“ 老婆。辛苦了!”


他抓着她:“ 你去床上躺着,我來!”
她:“ 你會做家務嗎?你自己洗過衣服嗎?”
他:“ 不會做可以學着做啊!以後你身體不舒服的時候,我當然要獨當一面!”

- 女人需要的不只是甜言蜜語。哄她幾句,她也許會給一個微笑。但是實實在在的呵護,她會對你一輩子的感恩並且會回報給你一個溫暖的家。

A :


B :


- 女人很感性。她炫耀你對她的體貼,就好像炫耀無數卡鑽一樣。這麽廉價的買賣,是用一點心思就能收穫無比的財富。


他:“ 你是最好的。”
她:“ 我哪好?”
他:“ 學歷高、能力强、样貌佳、對我又這麽好。”

B :

他:“ 你是我所遇到最好的女孩。”
她:“ 我哪好?”
他:“ 你對身邊的每個人都很友善、很無私,對人對生活總是很感恩。一個人有一顆善良的心、會讓周圍的人感覺到溫暖。你是我見過最善良的女孩,傷害你的人都應該下地獄!”

- 一個人,是因爲你對他好 所以覺得你好。
- 一個人,是因爲懂得你的好 所以想要對你好。

Sunday, September 26, 2010


This is Khai Ther's favourite song before he leave us. It slowly becomes my favourite song.

Khai Ther, how are you?

原谅我一次 - 欢子



Baby So Sorry
Baby 别伤心
我依然爱着你 想着你
别离去 没有你的日子真的好空虚

BABY 在一起
BABY 别哭泣
我依然疼着你 念着你
我的心 永远属于你


Baby So Sorry
Baby 别伤心
我依然爱着你 想着你
别离去 没有你的日子真的好空虚

BABY 在一起
BABY 别哭泣
我依然疼着你 念着你
我的心 永远属于你

原谅我 这一次
我真的 好想你

Oh baby I know you still love me
Come Back My lover My lover

Baby So Sorry
Baby 别伤心
我依然爱着你 想着你
别离去 没有你的日子真的好空虚

BABY 在一起
BABY 别哭泣
我依然疼着你 念着你
我的心 永远属于你
我的心 永远属于你 

ran - I miss you so much Khai Ther. D:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

LEE CD & The Hole. :D

Under 16 basketball tournament started yesterday.
And my team's first match is in this evening.
We won the first match of us.
Nice beginning of our tournament and we will play our very best during the coming matches. :))

Went Kelvin Tan's house for his birthday, but leave at 9 something.
Then went movie " The Hole " with Shen and his friends, Chung Hoe and Jun Jie.
It was so scary but i like it ! :)

ran - I love skype. <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hmmmm, grabbed from FB.

I seriously love this!

男 :嫁给我吧!

女 :有房吗?

男 :租的。

女 :有车吗?

男 :自行车。

女 :薪水多少?

男 :每月 RM1100

女 :哈哈!那你凭什么娶我?

男 :我疼你啊!

女 :疼,几斤几两?

男 :我爱你啊!

女 :爱,能当饭吃吗?


男 :我娶你吧!

女 :有房吗?

男 :海湾别墅。

女 :有车吗?

男 : 宝马。

女 :薪水多少?

男 :没有,我给别人发薪水。

女 :那好,我嫁你吧!


男 :我们离婚吧!

女 :你说什么?

男 : 离婚吧!

女 : 为什么?

男 :我有了新女人,你没有她漂亮。

女 : 可我是你妻子。

男 :不!你是我用房,用车,用钱换回来的女人。

女 :你不是爱我吗?我记得你说过。

男 :可是那次你没接受。接受的时候,我没说过。

ran - Girls, do not try to be like this. :))

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kayc's Day :D

Had lunch @ Secret Recipe with Kayc, Wayne, Nicky, Suleen, Joshua, Garee, Bubu and Kian Wah. Celebrated Kayc's birthday at SR with the cake he chosen. Later we went to Songbox @ ECM at 5pm, the guys were all mad and they called themselves " ROCKER ".

Yea, these are the Rockers !

Happy Birthday to Kayc ! :))

Posing. -.-

Sho cute ! ;D

ran - Had a nice dayy. :)))

Monday, September 20, 2010

Alive at night.

Its 4.35am now, and im still skype-ing with Garee. We skype without talking, lol! Because he is studying. -.- So boringggg. But as a brother, should accompany him.

Not sleepy yet ! And i always sleep while teachers are teaching, no good attitude. D:


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Raya Hol, bye. T.T

School starts later.
No more relaxing before November arrives.
Have to catch up lots of lessons, because i skipped school for 2 weeks.
Damn! Im worrying about the teachers.
They always scold me because i skip so much school.
I wish im hardworking also lar.
But im just too lazy !
I seriously dislike laziness, gonne cure it !

All the best to the SPM candidates !

ran - heading bed in 15 minutes. D:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Awesome Saturday 18 - 09 - 2010

Had fun tonight with the SABSians who i love the most !
Nicole, Evonne, Jun Yuan, Eu Chen and so on.
Was a boring night, but its nice to spent it together with you guys ! :)


Went TC for steaks after the Charity Dinner of Kiwanis Key Club.

Later, went to Black Pearl with Garee, James and Jia Ling. :)
Alcohol is my favourite, i like black pearl seriously.
Garee and me had 3 bottles of alcohol, i know im underage.
* Met Ho Kah Jun and played with his TOM. :D *
After 2 hours of gossiping, we leave.

Garee was abit drunk i guess? His face was as red as tomato.
But still, all of us went home safely.
Was an awesome night with awesome people ! :)

raney - Im still awake - 06:04am ( 19 Sept 2010 )

Friday, September 17, 2010

T Jantek with big boy & big girl.

Went ECM to have dinner with Sean at 8pm.
Called Pei Ying at 9pm and we went T Jantek at 10pm.
T Jantek was crowded with people.
Have no photo for this gathering, we were busy gossiping and joking.

ran - Tomorrow, come faster ! :P

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Holiday bye. :(

Had dinner at Crocodile Rock with Nicole, Evonne, Jun Yuan, Euchen, Xinghui and Arpong.

ran - Always enjoy the time i spend with them. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

KL one-day-trip.

Cousin's sister's ceromony was at Bentong.
And the whole family went there to watch the ceremony.
Quite fun !
Then later, i went to KL with my aunts' family.
Bought something and sho tired !

My baby Gu Jun Pyo, he said to me, :
" You are my girl. "
OMG! I know im yours, i love you minho. <3


Tomorrow have to wake early, have to visit to Old Folk's House.

ran - SLEEP! :P

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Day of Sept Hol.

Jogging with Jasmine from our house area to Teluk Chempedak,
is not the first time and of course we really reached there on foot.
Hehe. Cool right?

When we pass by the Bukit Pelindung, i teringat that Nicole and other SABSians were having jungle trekking also. So i called them and asked that if they wanna have breakfast together but they dont want. -.- So later we went to the beach and meet them.

ran - Skipped tuition AGAIN ! Whats wrong with me. :(

Friday, September 3, 2010

Step Up 3.

OMFG Step Up 3 is extremely awesome!

WTF with all the dances and dancers, they really really performed very very very well.


Im lovin' it. :P

ran - I love you Luke. :)