If you are in love with 2 people, pick the second one. If you really love the 1st, you wouldnt have fallen for the 2nd.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Leo Meeting in '09.

Happy Birthday to Hwee Kuan, Low ! <3

Having Leo meeting today.

Dicktern said, He would let me try to in-charge a charity Dinner of Leo Club if the time available me to do so. =D So i went home, and non-stop thinking and planning. What should i do if i really have the chance to in-charge a Charity Dinner? I planned the timetable, i planned the programs. I planned the price of each ticket. etc.

Haa. Lol. If i do have the chance, i think i will make the dinner as high as possible. And do not have anyone to say its a boring nitex ! Waasai... so lan C. =X And of course the dinner isnt combine with any school. That will be another best dinner of SMKAP ! haa. Most of my friends are dancing-lover. If i ask them to perform, i think they will not reject. Haa, hope so. xD

Hmmm, i know what you guys want to say to me, " Stop Dreaming ! ". Rite?? ==' So bad. Ceh...

Owh okiez, went to meeting at 5J class.

Quite... boring? lol.

Copying seriously?

And i was disturbing.

Jasmine's work. Took 1/4 of my face. lol.

- Im Jojo ! =D