Went home, took bath and went to Jasmine's place for the programme books which we must done before the dinner at night. But we didnt done it and brought them to MS Garden and asked for others' help. Lol.
Rehearsal in the evening ! Practice about the welcome dance of Iu Night [ Waltz ] and sketch and the fashion show. Went home at 5 something. Rest awhile and get ready for the basketball final match at 7pm. Then i rush to Ms Garden for Iu Night, i bathe before i went there. Jasmine was waiting me at the front door of Ms Garden. Deng, made me so rush but the dinner started after 20 minutes i reached.
Oh my goodness, i think the welcome dance was not bad right? And im one of the emcee who only talk few sentences. Lol. " Its Ammaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing ! " That was a great dinner but sorry to those who bought tickets and dont have a seat. We really felt so sorry and this will not happen again in the future time.
Alright. There are some photos in Jasmine's pc so i only upload some i ahve now and other photos at the next post !

Comittees' photo, but im not one of them ! Lol.

Hui Wey.
The coolest one.

I ter-show my little panties. So shame ! Owh my goodness.

Boys are always cool and girls like to smile !

Being les.

Does we look like lesbians?

Im at the back !

And again.

The pretties ! =P

Oh my goodness, i know im sexyy.


The men !


Eyes-contact with Kai Yi.

Oh my goodness.

What i look like?

Bang tried to act cute? Haha.

Oh my goodness, thats why i love you ernser. =X
It was an amaaaazing night and i hope you guys really had fun on that night.
- Tuesday = skip school day.