Went to school for Choir performance, although it was not the best but at least can call it as a good performance. Went home at 1pm. Reached megaz at 2.20pm. Jasmine wasnt there yet. She was having piano class until 3 o'clock.
i walk alone then went to Shean's shop. He work there. Chit-chat until Jasmine arrived and we went to the bowling centre. We were lazy to wait for our turn to play the bowling. So we went to few shops to find the present for Teng Fatt. I think he wants a belt marker as a present. Because he said before that he wants one. But actually he wants a saxophone so much.
So we bought one, Levi's. But it is not so nice so we decided to give it to Kok as his birthday present on 7th of March. So bad ! haa. Then we went to Ecm, Ruffrey and bought another one. Quite nice. But dont have the belt, only the belt marker. We bought waffles to eat, not nice to eat. Dont buy any food at Daily Fresh ! Haa.
Then we went back to megaz to find the belt. Cant found it also. What we found was another nice belt marker ! Its the keyboard shape. I think Teng Fatt will like it so much, he loves music rite??
Err, of course we bought it too. Then we had lunch with Shean at 5 something, it that called a lunch? or, dinner? Whatever. Both of us keep telling cold jokes. Non-stop laughing. And Jin Seng called us diam. lol. Quite anniying arr our laughing. Haa. Took many of Shean's photoss and he took Jasmine's and mine too.

After that, we went to Ecm again. To find the belt. Finally we found it. But its the same price if i buy the belt with belt marker or only the belt. So of course we bought the belt with the belt marker. Err, is it called as a belt marker??

These ! are what we bought for him. And i drew the card ! The only special one. xD Dicktern said its nice ! Waasai... Then Jasmine bought a watch for Zhe Hang as his birthday present. The same day as Teng Fatt's. Jasmine's eldest sister and brother came, and we had dinner at Pizza Hut. Went to buy the ingredients of cooking spaghetti, gotta cook and bring to old folk's home tomorrow in the morning.
I think i shouldnt publish this post first, scared Teng Fatt saw then no more surprise. Publish it after visiting to old folk's home. Haa. Err, nitex ! <3
Sunday !
Gave the present to Teng Fatt. " We dont have enough money to buy you saxophone, but this, we can buy for you. ", we said. Lol. Very touching ler. But he gave us a smile only. He said he was so happy. lol. Thats all.
Anyway, Happy Belated 16th Birthday, Teng.