If you are in love with 2 people, pick the second one. If you really love the 1st, you wouldnt have fallen for the 2nd.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

20 hours to go.

YES Camp, im coming.

Omg, days without laptop. I mean the coming days.

I'll be away for 4 days, 17th of Dec - 20th of Dec.

You can sms me and i hope i got time to reply you. =D

Be back on Sunday then attending Christmas Celebration at Dicktern's Church.

Watched Storm Warriors II, finally.

But its not as nice as i expexted, still okay la.

* 风大哥,我系第二梦呀!

Hehehe, nice !

Okay i got to go. Come back soon with lotsa pictures. =P

Bye bye. <3

ran - 千年修行,不及一夜成魔。