Went to school, as usual.
I joined Choir ! Having performance on Saturday. Ah ! Quite excited, since this is the second time i having Choir Performance. The first time was in '07, i think it was performed to celebrate Sultan's Birthday because i still remember the cake ! Waasai, that time i still in Sabs. lol. Old story.
Alright, Jasmine and i skipped St John meeting today. Shun Gan, Sze Woen, Meng Yin, Kar Yee and Yen Teng too. Jasmine havent done her maths homework. So she doing her homework and i... were taking pictures of Jasmine and me. Went for lunch woth Jasmine and Kai Yi at around 12.40pm at East Grill.
At one something, we saw shun Gan, Sze Woen and Wan Qian came in with 2 boys. Sze Woen told me they were having an arguement with Meng Yin and Yen Teng in the school after i leave. They argued about St John thingy i think. And both of them cried ! Lol, whats wrong?

Good nitex. <3