Happy Belated Birthday to Weng Lun and Sze Keat.
I read the newspaper and i realised that it was a bad day for the people in Si Chuan, China.
Wow, time really flies very fast and never want to stop for anyone.
So people, appreciate what we have !
If you are in love with 2 people, pick the second one. If you really love the 1st, you wouldnt have fallen for the 2nd.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tagged by Qing and Soo Ryue.
1. My Name : Raney Tan Rou Jane
2. My Birthday : 16 January 1994
3. Who tagged you : Sweety Couz - Qing and Soo Ryue.
4. Name 5 best friends : Mok, Jasmine, Jun Yuan, Kai Yi, Kok.
5. What do you wished for birthday : I wish all my wishes come true but failed.
6. Happy things that happened recently : Everything happened to me is quite not sad, is that called as Happy one?
7. Most stressed about recently : Study for Mid-term.
8. What is your dream about future : Have a rich boyfriend and then he'll become my husband.
9. Do you have someone you like : No.
10. Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : Why not?
11. Most happy to hang out with : Depends.
12. If two of your friends were having conflicts : Their problems ! =X
13. Where is preferably the place to go with your lover : Everywhere, what i want is to be with him !
14. What to do in Christmas : Wish friends and family ' Merry Christmas ' !
15. Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with : Santa Claus.
16. Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : Continue sleeping until mummy kick me up.
17. How many siblings do you have : 2 elder brothers + 1 younger brother and i. [ 4 ] ?
18. Favourite song ( Female) : Nice songs.
19. Favourite song ( Male) : Nice one.
20. Favourite Colour : Green !
21. Flush before using the toilets : Lol. No !
22. Love me not : I love myself more.
23. Affectionate to guys o r girls : Both.
24. What do you want to shout out loudly : Let me be a man !
25. Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night : Why not?
26. Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : Maybeee. =X
27. Who's the bastard : Not me, thats all.
28. What's the current affection : Hmmm...
29. Sleeps uglily : Errr, yea. =D
30. Whats the time now : 1708.
31. Do you hate the person who tagged you : No and i wont !
32. Weight : Its really a secret for girlss.
33. Weather today : Raining heavily, thundering and storming. Its a raney [ rainy ] Day.
34. Are you pregnant : Quite a silly question.
35. What will you do if you win a lottery : Will be sad because dad and mum will rampas all my money !
36. An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : Dont really know.
【 People i Tagged 】
1. Teng Fatt
2. Tzyy
3. Allan
4. Jasmine
5. Hui Wey
6. Esther
7. Hin
8. IceCandyz
9. Zhe Hang
10. Bentley
01- 【Does no.4 know no.6?】:No.
02- 【No.10 is a male or?】:He is totally a male !
03- 【 The hobby of no.8】: Dance?
04- 【Does no. 1 have any siblings】: Yea, sure.
05- 【The surname of of no.7】: Yeo.
06- 【Does no.10 have alot of friends?】: Think so.
07- 【Anyone tackling no.4?】: Dont think so.
08- 【If no.2 is being introduced?】 : ohhh owh.
09- 【The favourite colour of no.6】: Black and white?
10- 【Where is no.5 studying currently?】: SmkAP.
11- 【How do you know no.10?】: During a camp in 2005.
12- 【Whats the difference between the birthmonth of no.1 and you?】 : Im in January and he is in February. Whats the diffence?
13- 【Ever hang out with no.9?】: Yes but not always.
14- 【Do you like to chat with no.2?】: Err, quite.
15- 【Like to be with no.3?】: Oh, not really know him. =P
16- 【How do you think about no.7?】: The one who always ask me to keep quiet.
17- 【How do you think about no.9?】:Always diam diam one.
18- 【Do you love no.5?】: Whoops, can i say i dont love? =D
= Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : Qing and Soo Ryue.
= How long have you known him/her : Qing, already 15 ++ years. Soo Ryue, 5 months.
= Do you think that he/she is important to you? : Both of them are quite important to me.
= Your relationship with him/her : Cousin and friends.
= Whats his/hers hobby? : Dont know.
= What do you think about his/her personality? : Qing, so sayang me one. =D Soo Ryue, cute? =P
= His/her points of importance in your heart : Err...
- 1st thing before sleep : Watch Tv.
- 1st thing after awaking from sleep : Blaming why im study in morning session.
- Your idol : I dont ever have one.
- Favourite season : Winter.
- Worked part-time before? : No.
- Times worked : Zeroooo.
- Country that wanted to go most : Every country. =P
- Personality hated : Doing such silly thingy and talk non-sense.
- Are you a crybaby? : No, im not !
- You laugh alot? : Err, yaaa. Hee.
- Do you like to go out alone? : No !
- What time you wake up if it was a holiday? : Depends but mostly in the afternoon.
- Today's weather (Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Raney.
- Choose between Friends and Lover : I want both !
- Choose between Chances and Fates : Both...
- Are you narcissist? : Narcissist?
- Is this questionnaire long? : Im telling lie for sure if i said this questionnaire is short !
- How to make yourself feel better every time? : Sleep. =X
- Favourite food : I love porridge !
- Do you like ice? : Sure !
- Are you full of happiness? : Always. =P
- Which are the friends that you cared the most? : Shouldnt tell out.
- Whats the most important item in your bed room? : My handkerchief which i used to accompany me to sleep everynight.
- Most consistent dream at sleep : Err, cant even recall one.
- Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : I think i will.
- Whats the meaning of life? : A life is a journey or a story of everyone.
- Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): Tau ape?
- When do you hate me? : How i know when?
- Like the day you were born or been into the society?: Both.
- Like Taoism or Confucianism? : No idea.
- Favourite cake? : Mochaaaa.
- Can we stop this game now? : Yo ~ Of course.
- Do you like sardins? : Ya but i like tuna more.
- Who knows you the best? : Myself.
- IQ higher or EQ? : Both are high laa.
- Computer or Mobile Phone : Both !
- Prefer to sleep or play? : Both...
- Friendster or Facebook? : Both.
- Whats your wish right now? : Stop this !
- Tired? : Of course.
- Favourite drinks : Cold chocolate.
- What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you? : nice, good. Understanding, friendly. etc.

Raney : Im single but not available.
Raney : But if you are rich, then im available.
1. My Name : Raney Tan Rou Jane
2. My Birthday : 16 January 1994
3. Who tagged you : Sweety Couz - Qing and Soo Ryue.
4. Name 5 best friends : Mok, Jasmine, Jun Yuan, Kai Yi, Kok.
5. What do you wished for birthday : I wish all my wishes come true but failed.
6. Happy things that happened recently : Everything happened to me is quite not sad, is that called as Happy one?
7. Most stressed about recently : Study for Mid-term.
8. What is your dream about future : Have a rich boyfriend and then he'll become my husband.
9. Do you have someone you like : No.
10. Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : Why not?
11. Most happy to hang out with : Depends.
12. If two of your friends were having conflicts : Their problems ! =X
13. Where is preferably the place to go with your lover : Everywhere, what i want is to be with him !
14. What to do in Christmas : Wish friends and family ' Merry Christmas ' !
15. Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with : Santa Claus.
16. Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : Continue sleeping until mummy kick me up.
17. How many siblings do you have : 2 elder brothers + 1 younger brother and i. [ 4 ] ?
18. Favourite song ( Female) : Nice songs.
19. Favourite song ( Male) : Nice one.
20. Favourite Colour : Green !
21. Flush before using the toilets : Lol. No !
22. Love me not : I love myself more.
23. Affectionate to guys o r girls : Both.
24. What do you want to shout out loudly : Let me be a man !
25. Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night : Why not?
26. Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : Maybeee. =X
27. Who's the bastard : Not me, thats all.
28. What's the current affection : Hmmm...
29. Sleeps uglily : Errr, yea. =D
30. Whats the time now : 1708.
31. Do you hate the person who tagged you : No and i wont !
32. Weight : Its really a secret for girlss.
33. Weather today : Raining heavily, thundering and storming. Its a raney [ rainy ] Day.
34. Are you pregnant : Quite a silly question.
35. What will you do if you win a lottery : Will be sad because dad and mum will rampas all my money !
36. An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : Dont really know.
【 People i Tagged 】
1. Teng Fatt
2. Tzyy
3. Allan
4. Jasmine
5. Hui Wey
6. Esther
7. Hin
8. IceCandyz
9. Zhe Hang
10. Bentley
01- 【Does no.4 know no.6?】:No.
02- 【No.10 is a male or?】:He is totally a male !
03- 【 The hobby of no.8】: Dance?
04- 【Does no. 1 have any siblings】: Yea, sure.
05- 【The surname of of no.7】: Yeo.
06- 【Does no.10 have alot of friends?】: Think so.
07- 【Anyone tackling no.4?】: Dont think so.
08- 【If no.2 is being introduced?】 : ohhh owh.
09- 【The favourite colour of no.6】: Black and white?
10- 【Where is no.5 studying currently?】: SmkAP.
11- 【How do you know no.10?】: During a camp in 2005.
12- 【Whats the difference between the birthmonth of no.1 and you?】 : Im in January and he is in February. Whats the diffence?
13- 【Ever hang out with no.9?】: Yes but not always.
14- 【Do you like to chat with no.2?】: Err, quite.
15- 【Like to be with no.3?】: Oh, not really know him. =P
16- 【How do you think about no.7?】: The one who always ask me to keep quiet.
17- 【How do you think about no.9?】:Always diam diam one.
18- 【Do you love no.5?】: Whoops, can i say i dont love? =D
= Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : Qing and Soo Ryue.
= How long have you known him/her : Qing, already 15 ++ years. Soo Ryue, 5 months.
= Do you think that he/she is important to you? : Both of them are quite important to me.
= Your relationship with him/her : Cousin and friends.
= Whats his/hers hobby? : Dont know.
= What do you think about his/her personality? : Qing, so sayang me one. =D Soo Ryue, cute? =P
= His/her points of importance in your heart : Err...
- 1st thing before sleep : Watch Tv.
- 1st thing after awaking from sleep : Blaming why im study in morning session.
- Your idol : I dont ever have one.
- Favourite season : Winter.
- Worked part-time before? : No.
- Times worked : Zeroooo.
- Country that wanted to go most : Every country. =P
- Personality hated : Doing such silly thingy and talk non-sense.
- Are you a crybaby? : No, im not !
- You laugh alot? : Err, yaaa. Hee.
- Do you like to go out alone? : No !
- What time you wake up if it was a holiday? : Depends but mostly in the afternoon.
- Today's weather (Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Raney.
- Choose between Friends and Lover : I want both !
- Choose between Chances and Fates : Both...
- Are you narcissist? : Narcissist?
- Is this questionnaire long? : Im telling lie for sure if i said this questionnaire is short !
- How to make yourself feel better every time? : Sleep. =X
- Favourite food : I love porridge !
- Do you like ice? : Sure !
- Are you full of happiness? : Always. =P
- Which are the friends that you cared the most? : Shouldnt tell out.
- Whats the most important item in your bed room? : My handkerchief which i used to accompany me to sleep everynight.
- Most consistent dream at sleep : Err, cant even recall one.
- Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : I think i will.
- Whats the meaning of life? : A life is a journey or a story of everyone.
- Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): Tau ape?
- When do you hate me? : How i know when?
- Like the day you were born or been into the society?: Both.
- Like Taoism or Confucianism? : No idea.
- Favourite cake? : Mochaaaa.
- Can we stop this game now? : Yo ~ Of course.
- Do you like sardins? : Ya but i like tuna more.
- Who knows you the best? : Myself.
- IQ higher or EQ? : Both are high laa.
- Computer or Mobile Phone : Both !
- Prefer to sleep or play? : Both...
- Friendster or Facebook? : Both.
- Whats your wish right now? : Stop this !
- Tired? : Of course.
- Favourite drinks : Cold chocolate.
- What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you? : nice, good. Understanding, friendly. etc.

Raney : Im single but not available.
Raney : But if you are rich, then im available.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Photos of Iu Night SmkAP 2009.



Fur and i.

Peeping someone.

Yo ~ partner Stanlee.

Little Xiong.

Best Friend !
0105'09 [ Friday ]
Went to ' bitch ' ( beach ) with Jasmine, Meng Yin and Chung Wei. Met Shun Gan, Yen Teng, Kar Yee and Sze Woen after that. And took many photos.

0205'09 [ Saturday ]
Went to Iu Night of SMKTP at Ms Garden. Quite boring but we still had fun. Calvin, Stanlee and Fur performing. Yo ~ The first time i saw Chean Bang dancing. Quite yeng. After the Iu Night we went to Just Relax. And went home at around 1am.

More photos in friendster.
Fur and i.
Peeping someone.
Yo ~ partner Stanlee.

Little Xiong.

Best Friend !
0105'09 [ Friday ]
Went to ' bitch ' ( beach ) with Jasmine, Meng Yin and Chung Wei. Met Shun Gan, Yen Teng, Kar Yee and Sze Woen after that. And took many photos.
0205'09 [ Saturday ]
Went to Iu Night of SMKTP at Ms Garden. Quite boring but we still had fun. Calvin, Stanlee and Fur performing. Yo ~ The first time i saw Chean Bang dancing. Quite yeng. After the Iu Night we went to Just Relax. And went home at around 1am.
More photos in friendster.
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