Skipped school on Monday without reason, just feel like want to take a good rest at home. =D
And skipped school on Tuesday because daddy wanna bring us to KL, spent my whole day in KL. And came back at nitex. Yeah, skipped the first day of monthly test. Haa, quite 3 8 la actually. Daddy want to buy some new clothes then he brought us to KL. But at last he didnt bought anything also. Lol. And i, i went to MCKY. Haa, my first time. I saw the shop and i was so excited and cant wait to go in. But mummy said take lunch first. After that i went in and walk around. Saw a nice mickey bag, nice clothes and i bought a pair of Mickey shoes. The shoes cost RM139. I want that so much so mummy bought for me luu. =P But another pair of Mickey shoes quite cute and i want that too ! But of course mummy dont let so i only bought a pair.
Hotel Jelai, quite colourful.
Stupid brother spoiled the picture.
and again.
Pluto and i ! = He is back to his hometown. =D
Good boy.
No !
Curry Rice.
I want this ! There is a mickey's head. Can you see?
But i bought this.
Quite a short post. And the day ended-up with 3 hours journey to get home. Lol.
Nicole, Evonne, SuetYen, Annie, Li Wei. Jordan, Jun Yuan, Eu Chen, Kwang Ming...
All theSABSians!
and Mok Reei Ye.
Hang out for an activity during the coming holiday, okiez??
A boy had cancer and could live only one month. He loved a girl who work in a CD shop. He never had courage to tell her that he loves her. He daily went to her shop and buy a CD, just to talk to her ! After a month, boy didnt come. The girl went to his house. His mother told her that he died and took her to his room. The girl saw there that all the CDs are unopened. She started cry alot. Because in every CD, she wrote him a love letter. She loved him too !
Shun Gan picked me up at around 7.30pm. Reached Jun Chen's house and no one's there. Lol. At 8 something, most of his friends arrived and they began the party with Barbeque and 'Karaoke'. And i were playing computer with Jun Jie upstairs until Jasmine reached. Then i went downstairs. Had dinner and cant found Shun Gan. Jun Chen said she was singing songs. As i known, surely only a her and many him (s). Lol. Yes, im right. All boys and only her, a girl. Dont care about her, then having Gays and Lesbians gathering at the dining room. Lol. Drink coke as the wine. ><> 10 something, Dicktern came. And straight away he goes for siaw Thong. xD After few hours, dicktern came down with siaw Thong. And chit-chat for awhile then we played, ham-burger and poker cards. Yes, always ' Kam min toi '. xP Sang few songs with dicktern and Jasmine. Then all Jun Chen's friends went home at around 1am. But Jasmine and i still there until 2.30am. We watched, Tom & Jerry which is speak in cantonese. Quite funny, but i prefer Tom & Jerry without conversations. As usual, took many photos. And only upload few. xD
0214 - Happy Birthday to Ng Thiam Aik ! Fcuker, may all your dreams come true. =X
Went to school at 5 to meet up with Jasmine. Hee. Bought foods at Tunas Manja. Then Yoong Huey's mummy fetch us back to Jasmine's house. Put down the things and Jasmine went upstairs to take bath. And i playing computer downstairs. Haa, ya. I spent the nitex with Jasmine romanticly. lol. 6 something, finally she finished bathing and drying the hair. So we started to cook. We cook Mushroom soup, French fries and chicken chops. Haa. Began our dinner at 8pm. And at around 8.15pm, Pepe came ! Haa, so cute of him. Running here and there. After dinner, we tried the champagne. Lol. Quite nice.
And of course we started to take the photos of the nitex. Haa. We wanted to go to Just Relax with Stanlee and Fur but so bad, we dont have transport. So can stay at home only. Around 12 i went home to study the St John thingy. But i really cant remember all, all i remembered were what Hui Wey taught me last time. lol.
Wuuwuuwu ~ Aiks, I may pass the reexam la. Esther show me the exam-paper obviously and let me copy the answers. If i failed then i padan muka. And Hui Wey keep teaching me about CPR. But went in to the hall, i just !@#$%^&(*^%@!#x. Simply say. lol. "When ambulance arrived, what you expect the ambulance to do?" Doctor asked me. I dont know how to answer, and teng fatt tried to help me but failed. lol. But its okiez, for others they dont know also. But at last, i told the answer. lol. " Paramedic take out the defribrilator. " I answered like this, not the complete answer la of course. But i knew it im already very okiez la. Haa. Bandaging, kept did the wrong one and luckily my partner had helped me alot ! Thanks ~ Lol. And transportation [ Wrong spelling? ], not bad la i think. Haa.
Owh ya, Happy Birthday Fur ! -chean bang. May all your dreams come true.
Ahh ! Went to the St John Practise. CPR, i did well...? Haa. Quite easy la ceh. Sure pass, dont worry. Anyone of you worried about me? =X Hui Wey recorded the video of me while im doing CPR. Should upload the video and let you guys watch. Haa, my grandson was +U for me. " Ah por, +U. "
And they made me laugh ! I used many times to done the CPR. lol. Finally i done it and my grandson said, " Do again, very funny. Haha. " Ceh, no manners. Seriously, i thought i did it well. But actually im not ! Aiksssssss.
Went home, took bath.
And friends called me to go and play basketball at school. They forced me to go ! So i went. Saw allan playing football there also.Quite lazyy.
Yesterday nitex i slept at 4 something and cant wake at 6. Thats why you guys saw me standing in front of the stage again. lol. The fifth time, went and see Pn Chiam. She is more better than Mr Chai. She wanted to call my father and complain me but luckily daddy havent wake up.
Tomorrow, if im late again... Please pray for me ! Lol.
Hui Wey will come to my house later to teach me about the St John stuffs. I want to pass the exam without cheating ! lol. Impossible !! ><> Please, tell me im a Qualified St Johner !
Finally, i can sit for the St John re-exam. Is that called the senior exam? Dont know. Okiez, i missed the re-exam last year. Because i was just changed to the school. So sad, cant take the exam. So im not active in st John last year. And now, i want to be more active in all activities of Leo and St John and more...
Today is Tuesday, and the re-exam is held on next sunday. Means the coming Sunday? Im so excited but also worry. Can i do it well? Already 15 months i didnt practise CPR, choking, bandaging those a St Johner should know well. But luckily Hui Wey said she will teach me. Woohooo~ Good de nehx. Thanks Hui Wey, love you !
Having practise in this Friday rite? I always skip the meeting, but this time i must attend the meeting ! Its very important for me, the lazyy St Johner. Lol. So paiseh to say that im a qualified one. >< Teng Fatt said maybe my name isnt in the smkap namelist, because i came form Sabs. Im still under Sabs, i havent change my name to smkap yet. He said he'll ask for me. But Hui Wey told me that the senior said, just go and take the exam and write my name to aunty Sally. Dont know which is the right one. Lol.
Today, i late to school, again. So unlucky the teacher remembered that i had late to school 3 times on January. And this is the 4th time. She didnt scold me but talk alot of craps. And the prefect brought me to Mr Chai, Mr Chai asked me the reasons and advised me. Gave me few marks and want me to go and see him again tomorrow ! Owh my god, see him? again. Arggghhh... Then the prefect and i walked out of the staff room. The prefect said, Put more alarm to wake you up la. Then i just smile and replied, ' haa, oh.' LOL !
Online at around 12am. Saw Teng Fatt on msn, so i chat with him for awhile. Im waiting to see his Panda eyes. lol. Finally he offline. So i can blog about today. The whole afternoon Jamine and i were busyy about his birthday present.
Went to school for Choir performance, although it was not the best but at least can call it as a good performance. Went home at 1pm. Reached megaz at 2.20pm. Jasmine wasnt there yet. She was having piano class until 3 o'clock.
i walk alone then went to Shean's shop. He work there. Chit-chat until Jasmine arrived and we went to the bowling centre. We were lazy to wait for our turn to play the bowling. So we went to few shops to find the present for Teng Fatt. I think he wants a belt marker as a present. Because he said before that he wants one. But actually he wants a saxophone so much.
So we bought one, Levi's. But it is not so nice so we decided to give it to Kok as his birthday present on 7th of March. So bad ! haa. Then we went to Ecm, Ruffrey and bought another one. Quite nice. But dont have the belt, only the belt marker. We bought waffles to eat, not nice to eat. Dont buy any food at Daily Fresh ! Haa.
Then we went back to megaz to find the belt. Cant found it also. What we found was another nice belt marker ! Its the keyboard shape. I think Teng Fatt will like it so much, he loves music rite?? Err, of course we bought it too. Then we had lunch with Shean at 5 something, it that called a lunch? or, dinner? Whatever. Both of us keep telling cold jokes. Non-stop laughing. And Jin Seng called us diam. lol. Quite anniying arr our laughing. Haa. Took many of Shean's photoss and he took Jasmine's and mine too.
After that, we went to Ecm again. To find the belt. Finally we found it. But its the same price if i buy the belt with belt marker or only the belt. So of course we bought the belt with the belt marker. Err, is it called as a belt marker??
These ! are what we bought for him. And i drew the card ! The only special one. xD Dicktern said its nice ! Waasai... Then Jasmine bought a watch for Zhe Hang as his birthday present. The same day as Teng Fatt's. Jasmine's eldest sister and brother came, and we had dinner at Pizza Hut. Went to buy the ingredients of cooking spaghetti, gotta cook and bring to old folk's home tomorrow in the morning.
I think i shouldnt publish this post first, scared Teng Fatt saw then no more surprise. Publish it after visiting to old folk's home. Haa. Err, nitex ! <3
Sunday ! Gave the present to Teng Fatt. " We dont have enough money to buy you saxophone, but this, we can buy for you. ", we said. Lol. Very touching ler. But he gave us a smile only. He said he was so happy. lol. Thats all.
Went to school, as usual. I joined Choir ! Having performance on Saturday. Ah ! Quite excited, since this is the second time i having Choir Performance. The first time was in '07, i think it was performed to celebrate Sultan's Birthday because i still remember the cake ! Waasai, that time i still in Sabs. lol. Old story.
Alright, Jasmine and i skipped St John meeting today. Shun Gan, Sze Woen, Meng Yin, Kar Yee and Yen Teng too. Jasmine havent done her maths homework. So she doing her homework and i... were taking pictures of Jasmine and me. Went for lunch woth Jasmine and Kai Yi at around 12.40pm at East Grill.
At one something, we saw shun Gan, Sze Woen and Wan Qian came in with 2 boys. Sze Woen told me they were having an arguement with Meng Yin and Yen Teng in the school after i leave. They argued about St John thingy i think. And both of them cried ! Lol, whats wrong?
Dicktern said, He would let me try to in-charge a charity Dinner of Leo Club if the time available me to do so. =D So i went home, and non-stop thinking and planning. What should i do if i really have the chance to in-charge a Charity Dinner? I planned the timetable, i planned the programs. I planned the price of each ticket. etc.
Haa. Lol. If i do have the chance, i think i will make the dinner as high as possible. And do not have anyone to say its a boring nitex ! Waasai... so lan C. =X And of course the dinner isnt combine with any school. That will be another best dinner of SMKAP ! haa. Most of my friends are dancing-lover. If i ask them to perform, i think they will not reject. Haa, hope so. xD
Hmmm, i know what you guys want to say to me, " Stop Dreaming ! ". Rite?? ==' So bad. Ceh...