What the fuck?!! Im at home now, NO i want you, all of you to be with me. =X YES Campers, i miss you guys so damn freaking much every single moment ! Im so tired now, because i know im running in your mind always. =DDD
I still remember the moment i first met you and i wasnt dare to speak to you.
I still remember the moment i first spoke to you but just a few of sentences.
I still remember the moment we gossip non-stop and laughed loudlyy.
I still remember the moment we danced together and shaked our bodies.
I still remember the moment we exchanged email address and phone numbers.
I still remember every moment we spent together.
You guys are so caring and friendly, i love you guys more than a thousand words can say, really ! 2 days before, we were playing and laughing, gossiping and hugging. But now, im facing my lappy and looking at the pictures we took, what a fcuking nice memory in my rest of life... Its an everlasting friendship. We've living in the same place, eating the same foods, gathering in the same hall for 4 days. The most memorable 4 days in my whole life. How cool...
Yes Campers, Facilitators, Lions :
Really, i promise... I promise i'll remember all of you until the end of the time. Love you guys forever.
Im quite lazy to mention you guys one by one, so...
Im so happy that i met you guys in my life and im so glad that im a part of your life. Nowadays, my heart is full of you guys. All of you are running in my mind all the time. Dont worry, i'll never forget all of you. Until im not alive. =X Every moment in the camp was so awesome, everyone in the camp was so nice. Everything that happened in the 4 days was so good to be remembered. Every night in the camp, before i sleep... I was talking alot about the camp with Jasmine Chua who shared me her bed. Im not regret for paying the RM 200. Im thinking of you guys all day long, i miss the days we spent together, laughters and everything... The moment, when we said goodbye to each others, i know... I know i can meet up with you guys very soon. So no worries my darlings, see you soon ! =D
So darlingss, GO GO GO !
Im always here to be a good listener, when you are happy or sad. Dont you try to avoid me, i'll scream as loud as i can ! LOL.
People, let the pictures tell the story. =D

For more photos, Click here.And here's the messages that you guys leave for me.From Jack Chong,Thanks as a team member. And teamwork and team sprints. LOVE GREEN !From Aisha,Dear Jane, You are very outgoing and a great person. Im glad to have met you. I hope you had a good time at the camp. Take care and all the best. =)From Yuki,Look forward to your future. Others thing is waiting for you. Dont give up easily. We are an actor in our life. Some of the people are just pass. Dont care too much about the thing you cant get. If you are sad in anything. Fast recover yourself ! Be happy !From Alex Yong,好好面对未来才对得起一直关心你的人。
最后一天才发现你也是个 " 疯子 " ! 不笑的时候 cool cool 的,笑起来时还蛮可爱的。笑着来面对你的人生吧!From Swee Theeng, 认识到你真得很爽哦!一起 zat 人的感觉真好!跳舞时很疯狂哦!还有你的尖叫阵的赢完整个 kampung 了! Love you !From Derrick,You are a " Super Girl " la aka " funny girl ". Expert ><
From Yee Leng,
Hey Jane, another crazy fellow like Jasmine ! =P I really had a lot of fun with you guys, dancing, chatting, GOSSIPING, many others... =D Keep in touch yeah ! Must call me when you guys are coming to KL!See you in next year's forum !! =D
From Jasmine Chua, ( wrote lebih so she gave me, wtf... )
Take good care and keep in touch ! See you next year ! Forum !!! =)
From Grace,
Love can be very sad sometimes but think of the good memories you had with him last time and thats already the best. You're still young so study hard, alright? You can just give me a call if you're feeling upset.
From Lion Sashekala,
Strive for the Best.
From Lion Saw,
Take action.
From Dr Ben,
Be the best that you can be.
Thats all. =D
ran - Say YES to YES CAMP ! <3